How To Move Without the Headaches!


The big day is almost here! It's an exciting time, however moving can be a huge headache if you go into it unprepared. Below are a few tips and ideas on how to make your move a success.

  • If you plan to hire a moving company to take care of your move for you, don't be afraid to do your homework on the different moving companies. There are some moving companies out there that will help to make your move a lot easier while there are others that can simply make the entire process a nightmare. You owe it to yourself to do a bit of research and to find the best moving company you possibly can.

  • Another bit of advice for moving from one house to another is to prep for the move ahead of time. Make sure that your movers know if they will be moving heavy things such as kitchen appliances and have them unplugged and cleaned out before the movers arrive so that they can easily and quickly get the heavy objects taken out of the way.

  • Get your packing done before the big moving day arrives. Moving companies do not want to be tripping over you while you are frantically packing last minute items into boxes that have yet to be taped and ready to move. If you have your job done before the movers arrive, they will be able to get their job done in a quick and successful manner. It's also a good idea to stack your boxes against the walls of the rooms so that the movers can easily move about as they are working. Again, if your job is done, their job will be easier and all will be happy.

  • Label your boxes so that movers will understand what room it goes in. If you label the boxes with your kid's names, it's likely the movers will have no idea which room the box belongs in once they arrive at your new home. Keep it simple and label the boxes accordingly.

If you do your part to make sure you have done all you can do to make the move an easy process, the moving company will be free to do their job and do it right.

Courtesy of Huntsville AL Real Estate Expert Mike Manosky!

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