Tips For Filling Flower Beds At Your Huntsville Home

Tips For Filling Flower Beds At Your Huntsville HomeFlower beds can be a very attractive addition to any Huntsville home - if you have the time to set up and maintain them. Flower beds don't necessarily require a profusion of costly flowers that need to be fertilized, mulched, covered in severe weather and possibly re-planted on a yearly basis.

Here are a few tips to keep your flower beds filled without a huge money or time commitment.

Perennial Wildflowers

Wildflower mixes native to your area are often a good choice if you want a profusion of flowers, but don't want to do much to take care of them. These flowers grow back easily every year and are well-adapted to the climate and soil conditions in your area. Native wildflowers may need little more than watering and the occasional weeding.

Decorative Rock

Filling the beds with attractive decorative rock provides maintenance-free curb appeal to your Huntsville home. Several colors of decorative rock are available and can be chosen to set off the color of your home. Planters may also be placed amongst the rocks to add live plants to your flower beds, and those plants can easily be moved inside before the weather gets too cold for them.

Low-Growing Shrubs

For low-maintenance ground cover in your flower beds, plant low-growing shrubs such as some strains of juniper. The main issue with this option is that the shrubs take a while to grow in. But once established the only maintenance required is the occasional trimming of overgrown branches.

Vacant flower beds detract from the overall look of your home and contribute to an air of neglect. Attractive fillers do not have to be either expensive or difficult to put into place.

For more tips on how to spruce up your Huntsville home, visit

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